Ready to create magic. GET IN TOUCH

St Albans School, Christchurch

Developed in conjunction with Ngāi Tūāhuriri to ensure the traditions and aspirations of mana whenua were incorporated throughout, Te Arawai, the striking playground of St Albans School/Te Kura o Hato Opani, embodies history, vision and cultural narratives all in one.

Playground Creations supplied and installed the Whare tower module - stainless steel slide, wobbly log bridge, climbing walls, dangling pommels and shade sails – along with the stilts, turn bars, wavy bars and hoops. Colours and contours evoke both landscape and journeys, further encouraging imaginative play.

Completed in collaboration with Park Central, Steve Bailey Project Manager, Botanic Landscape Architects, Trademark Paving, and Playtop NZ, this playground is a wonderful example of the magic that can be created through play.

Your project. Our passion. Let's play!